Friday, August 19, 2011


So delving into the world of Graphic Novels, or begining the arduous journey of creating one, has an enormous upside to it (apart from the rewards of creating something entirely unique + magical + your very own)...+ that is making the impossible, possible.

Something sparks your interest + you find yourself already drawing that 'thing' in your minds eye.
I tend to think of 'people' or 'characters' more than anything else.
I like to think about what the 'intent' of the character is before i even start to put mechanical pencil to paper.

Having made the descision to steer away from being an 'exhibiting artist' to become a primarily 'published' artist has been the best creative descision i have made, ever.

I have made some really great creative friends who work in the comics industry + they have been really encouraging + forthright.
So i have found the courage to throw my lot into the mix with a weekly challenge that is on facebook.
The page is called 'Ozcomics' + each week they pick a new character to draw.

This week was 'Hellboy'...
I  love Hellboy, so i thought i would have a go at drawing him.
I have never drawn a comicbook hero before + i am pretty happy with the results...

This is Hellboy having a 'Ricky Bobby' moment.'s a little unfinished due to a cold, but you get the general idea...